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Valley Primary School

‘Growing and learning together to be the best we can be’

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Keep up to date with all the latest news happening in school at the moment.

  • Chair of Governors House Point Names Competition

    Sat 15 Feb 2020


    Thank you to Miss Clark, our Chair of Governors for organising our House Point names competition. The winning names are:

    Amazon Rainforest (Green), Grand Canyon (Red), Great Barrier Reef (Blue) ​

    All three are natural wonders of the earth.  Valley Primary teaches us to be generous and caring to the environment and so it is lovely to have chosen some landmarks that need care as our house point names.

    Well done to everybody who participated and entered some names, Miss Clark gave these children a certificate and small gift in assembly.

    Our winner was Evelyn Butcher from 3P who came up with this wonderful suggestion of names. A huge well done and thank you Evelyn!

  • Year 6 London trip update.

    Mon 10 Feb 2020

    Year Six have left school and set off for their exciting enrichment day in London! 

    We are just leaving Oxford Services.  As the photographs show the children are having a great time. 


    We have just passed The Hoover Building.  The children are very interested in the Art Deco style.   


    We are very fortunate to have two very pleasant and accommodating coach drivers.  They are managing to keep both coaches travelling together and are even hoping to give us a tour around the centre of London later on in the day.  


    We have arrived at The Saatchi Museum.  Photographs are limited inside the museum.  

    We are going to have our museum tours and workshop and eat our dinner. 

    We stay here until 3.30pm.


    The children are already working and fascinated by the exhibition.


    The children are enjoying looking at all the artefacts in the gallery and having a special Egyptian workshop.  Take a look at the updated photographs.   


    We are now back on our coaches and off for a tour of London.  The children thoroughly enjoyed the exhibition and the workshop.    


    Our drivers are so kind!  They managed to park just around the corner and allowed us off the coaches to see Buckingham Palace through the gates that we see so often on the television..  We are all so thrilled!  



    The Rainforest Cafe was absolutely wonderful with giant portions of lovely food.    There was fabulous, moving, Rainforest scenery.


    We are now back on the bus and our drivers are going to show us London by night - a wonderful opportunity for the children  We are so lucky to have such kind drivers.  


    We anticipate we will be back at school about 9pm. 

    Please keep an eye on the scrolling banner in case of any updates.  

    Year Six are safely back from London. Thank you to all the staff, the coach drivers and you our parents for supporting this trip. Year Six children have been a credit to Valley and had a fantastic enrichment day. 







  • Touchwood Choir Competition Winners!

    Mon 03 Feb 2020
    Today, our wonderful choir were presented with medals by the Manager of the Touchwood Centre in Solihull after winning the competition beating many other fabulous school choirs. They were even asked to do another special performance for the shoppers. The manager told the children they won by a large majority of votes. We are so proud of them all. Well done children! 