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Valley Primary School

‘Growing and learning together to be the best we can be’

Year 6

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We are delighted to announce our 2024 Science Week experiments for you to have a go at at home. Please click on the document below and send in evidence of you completing these fabulous experiments.

Sharing Our Learning . . . Year 6 Photo Gallery


Before the Speed Stacking competition, we practised our skills so we can be the best.

As part of our Science topic of Classification, we sorted vertebrates into different groups based on their attributes.

Year 6 took part in Science Day and we thought about how changes have happened to the Earth over time. We created our own volcanoes after recapping our knowledge from our recent Topic lessons and created a sustainable farm plan to keep the environment safe for the future.

As part of our World Book Day celebrations, we learnt about the author Abi Elphinstone and read extracts from her books as well as producing some work based on what we had read. We are looking forward to borrowing them from teh library.

During our PE lessons, we practise a skill as well as learning a game. Here we are practising our balancing.

Year 6 have enjoyed dressing up as our favourite characters for World Book Day 2024. We have already discussed the books our characters come from, their authors, the plot and recommended them to our peers.

We discussed King Tutankhamun's tomb discovery and decided whether the statements were true or false based on our learning.

Year 6 had a visit with David Baddiel who spoke to us about his books and his hobbies.

As part of our Engage day for our Topic, 'Kingdom on the Nile' we found out about King Tutankhamun and the lead up to the discovery of his tomb.

We used databases to answer questions on a quiz, then made our own questions based on a database.

A snippet of our puppet shadow theatre in science.

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A snippet of our puppet shadow theatre as part of our science topic

Still image for this video

We enjoyed a quiz as part of our NSPCC Number Day celebrations.

As part of our Science lessons, we have been learning about light. We made shadow puppets and performed our creations.

Year 6 had an author visit with the author, Steven Camden, who told us all about his writing process.

We worked to strengthen and assemble our cars, adding the elecrrical systems to make them move. We used lots of problem solving skills during this lesson.

As part of our narrative planning, we used freeze frames to help plan our writing.

We had a virtual meeting with author, Beth Lincoln, who wrote the book The Swifts. She told us how she writes and talked about different word meanings and how she used a dictionary to name her characters.

We used the glue gun (being careful to not touch the hot glue or the hot parts of the gun) to build the chassis of our electric vehicle.

In PE, we have been practising our skills during the game of Dodgeball.

We used collage to create our pieces of artwork.

Learning about ratio in Maths, we use sweets to discover the ratios and answer questions about them.

In RE, we have been thinking about if anything is ever eternal. We discussed what could last forever, what will last forever and what we wish would last forever.

In Science, we have been investigating how light travels. We have talked about how opaque objects create a shadow.

As part of our book, The Song From Somewhere Else, we visualised a scene based on pieces of music we heard and then drew them.

To begin our Topic, we researched electric cars in DT and the artwork of Derek Gores. We designed out own electric vehicle and began to use a hacksaw to cut the wood after carefully measuring the lengths.

In RE, we read some stories related to Jesus and his teachings and then created freeze frames to show the main part of the story.

In Maths, we used iPads to practise our KIRF skills.

During English, we held a debate to see if Frank should go down into the cellar to find out where the mysterious music was coming from.

We took part in a speed stacking competition.

We joined Joshua Siegal (and his cat Bluebell) for an author webinar. We heard some of his poetry, joined in with his poem about what annoys him and made our own poetry with his guidance. His website is

To begin our next text type, we spotted features of a biography. We can’t wait to research more about Sir Ernest Shackleton and create our own biographies!

To end Real Life Maths week, we created our packaging and worked out the pricing it would cost to try and convince the shop keepers to stock our product. We named different 3D shapes, found the area of the faces, found the volume of the boxes we created and then multiplied by decimals to find the price.

In PE we have been working on gymnastic routines.

During Anti-bullying Week, we have been learning about the difference between bullying and banter. We took part in some role play and created posters.

In Science, we have been learning about the components of blood. We created out own version using different food items to represent the different components.

We have begun our lessons developing our gymnastic skills.

We have been enjoying reading for pleasure.

We started reading our new book, Ice Trap. We looked at a WAGOLL to begin to write our own job application in the style of Frank Worsley.

As part of out topic, we focused on map reading as part of our Geography skills. First, we developed our reading of a 6 figure grid reference and then we put this into practise when using Digimaps to locate volcanoes.

To mark the end of our Power of Reading text, we did an author Stuart about Piers Torday. The children created word clouds based on their learning.

Simmonds has a fabulous visit to Birmingham Central Mosque.

Ennis and Farah spent the morning at the Birmingham Central Mosque. The children were polite and asked thoughtful questions throughout. We learnt about the features of a mosque and the steps a Muslim goes through to pray.

As part of our PSHE lessons, we have been discussing the rights and responsibilities of children and potential rewards and consequences. We used a democratic process to discuss the consequences for a group of children who had made a bad choice within their school. We discussed the positive and negative effects that each consequence could have.

During Walk to School week, the Health Heroes have collected their class's data about the way they travelled to school.

As part of Black History Month, we have been creating poetry based on the Black Lives Matter movement, using our knowledge from Topic lessons.

In our Art sessions, we have been learning about the work of Screen Prince. We sketched, mixed paint, discussed complementary colours, practised our calligraphy skills and then put them all together to create our own piece of art work in the style of Screen Prince.

Year 6 were pleased to welcome our parents in as part of our Express event. The children showed bravery, were inspirational and there were definitely some future politicians who shared their ideas

After looking at series circuits, we extended our knowledge by exploring parallel circuits.

The children have been challenging themselves during Maths lessons.

Year 6 were lucky enough to attend a webinar with author, Hannah Gold, and an additional special guest, the illustrator, Levi Pinfold.

In PSHE, we have been thinking about actions and consequences of actions. The children each took a role of someone affected by an act of arson and decided what rules the children responsible had broken.

Year 6 did some freeze framing to show some different key scenes of our book, The Last Wild.

Year 6 have been coding to identify different aliens using their distinguishing characteristics.

Year 6 have been enjoygin developing their reactions and then using these skills in a game of Tag Netball.

We rearranged a narrative so it was in the correct sequence.

Maz Evans, famous author, provided Year 6 with a fabulous virtual author visit. We found out about her writing process, from writing for around a month to complete a book to her 6-8 months editing before she even thinks about publishing it for us to read. The children have enjoyed reading her books and some of the teachers are a fan too!

During Science, we have been learning all about circuits, naming and drawing the scientific symbols and making changes in circuits to allow all components to work.

As part of our art work, we have been looking at complementary colours by creating our own colour wheel.

Year 6 have been enjoying the game of tag netball.

At Valley, we love reading. These enthusiastic readers completed the summer reading challenge at our local library!

We started our Science topic this week and discovered how components work whilst creating working circuits.

Year 6 have enjoyed developing their skills in PE, working together to move the ball around a court.

During writing, Year 6 have been learning how to write clear concise instructions.

Year 6 have been enjoying their new novel by Piers Torday called ‘The Last Wild’. They have been discovering Kester’s current situation and thought about his emotions during events so far in the story.

We have been using dictionaries to develop our vocabulary.

As part of our engage event, we looked t barriers people in history have had to face. We created some artwork based on our learning, practising our sketching skills.
