Home Page

Valley Primary School

‘Growing and learning together to be the best we can be’

Year 1

Welcome to Year 1!


Your teacher will very soon be filling this page with exciting class news, pictures of things we’ve done and more.


Do you have any ideas for this page? Why not let your Teacher know!


Victorian school masters, Fairy tale Castles and Arctic adventures!

Life is never boring in year 1




In year 1 the teachers are Miss Young, Miss Churchard, Mrs Byron and Mrs Chung.  The year 1 staff believe in making education fun, enjoyable and challenging.




Over the year we have 6 main learning themes:


Get out of our swamp – A traditional tales and castle linked theme

Poles Apart – A study of the artic and Antarctic; the weather and the  animals you will find.

Children in Victorian times and beyond – A look at the life of children and how they have changed since Victorian times

Animal Kingdom – A look at different animals and their environments

Pirates – A study of the geography and history of piracy and sea travel across the globe.



1B have on Monday and Friday. 1KY have PE on Tuesday and Thursday. 1C have PE on a Thursday and Friday.


Learning environment


We have tried hard to develop our learning environments and our curriculum to ensure a smooth transition from the Foundation Stage to the National Curriculum. Play and exploration are still at the heart of our curriculum and we are committed to ensuring our classrooms are stimulating and purposeful.




Children are issued with homework every Thursday. The homework will alternate between Phonics, English and Maths.


Reading books will be changed twice a week. Children’s reading records are stamped for each time they are listened to read at home and given a reward for every 10 stamps they receive.


Spellings will be given out on a weekly basis and relate to sounds and words they have been learning in school. Common Exception words for each half term will be sent home to practise as well.


If you would like to try some web-based homework, try the links below. These have been chosen to provide extra practise of areas your children have learnt about this half term:

ICT games to try at home
