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Valley Primary School

‘Growing and learning together to be the best we can be’

Year 6


Welcome to Year 6


Curriculum Information & Home Activities 


Life Skills Activities

Half Termly Life Skills challenges as part of our drive to develop good future citizens: 

Weekly Brain Boosters and Curious Challenges as part of our Feel Good Friday initiative: 


Home Learning Activities

World Book Day Adventure Story Competition 


Isolation Tasks


Sharing Our Learning...Year 6 Photo Gallery

We all enjoyed competing during Sport's Day!

We had a fabulous time at Gulliver's Kingdom

As part of our D&T lessons, we have researched rainforest animals, cut out a pattern then sewed the two sides together before stuffing our animals - we are really proud of our creations!

We investigated 3D shapes in Maths, giving reasons why the box would be good and bad for packaging cupcakes.

During RE lessons, we discussed how Muslims show their commitment to live a good life and then looked at our own commitments, which showed we were living a good life.

As part of our Maths lessons, we have been working on a bakery project. We enjoyed working together to find the cheapest ingredients to make 90 cupcakes.

Simmonds have been growing potatoes.

Year 6 located South America using maps. First, we located the continents and oceans of the world. Next, we used three pieces of string to locate the Equator, the Tropics of Cancer and the Tropics of Capricorn. We then located the rainforests of the world, followed by the countries of South America. Finally, we located the capital cities of each South American country.

As part of our Science lessons, we looked at how ecosystems could be damaged and ways we can save them.

After practicing our calligraphy, we then created portraits of famous British Black people in the style of Screen Prince.

As part of our PSHE lesson, we have been looking at relationships and discussing the effects of grief. We looked at the different stages and talked about how everyone's response will be different.

We learnt that Abraham Lincoln was viewed as a hero for being the Great Emancipator, however, we learnt that he did not always act in this way. By the end of the lesson, we decided that Abraham Lincoln was a man who did very good things for the slaves, but also had flaws, which meant he didn't always look after the slaves' best interests.

As part of our music sessions, we created out own rap as part of a group.

We began looking at Martin Luther King Jr's famous speech 'I Have a Dream' and discussed the different aspects of the speech.

As part of our topic, we are creating art in the style of Screen Prince. We have been developing our calligraphy skills to enable us to create a portrait in his style.

Year 6 had a visit from the Safer Travel team, who taught us all about sustainable travel and how to use public transport to save the environment.

As an after SATs treat, we made healthy burritos. We tried new foods and thought about what flavours would work well together.

Year 6 have been practicing in preparation for their SATs. They have been confident and resilient in tackling all the problems they have been given. They enjoyed working together to arrange the SATs dominoes to answer Maths reasoning questions.

We have been working hard to create some emotive diary entries (building atmosphere) based on our book Varmints. We are all excited to see what happens to our varmint next!

Our writing club this half term, had an issue. The chairs were fed up with being misused by the children and went on strike! They wrote a letter explaining their displeasure and then the children in the club had to write back and promise to treat them better. Fortunately, the chairs forgave them.

During PSHE, we thought about how to keep our wellbeing well full. We talked about events that made us feel good about ourselves, we talked about feelings and worries that could drain our well and things we could do to fill up our well again.

To celebrate Mother's Day, we created cards with the theme of hearts. We hope you enjoyed our special thank you.

As part of our History learning in topic, we took part in a debate, which discussed how involved Britain were in the slave trade. It began with the majority of the class believing that Britain wasn't very involved to an even split by the end.

In PSHE, we discussed reasons people may give to join a gang and advice we would give to help someone get out of a situation they were uncomfortable in.

As part of our Science day investigations, we investigated which washing powder was best for removing stains at a low temperature. All 3 classes found that the powder from the cheaper supermarkets worked better than the more expensive brand names. We measured our heights and plotted them on a graph with our ages to see if there is a relation between heights and ages within the class. We found that generally, the children who were older were taller. Our final task was to create viruses and antibodies using origami after finding out about how they work within the body.

In Computing, we have been learning about blogging. We made our own individual blog and contributed to a class blog.

As part of our PSHE lesson, we have been learning about why people become involved in friendship groups and how we can keep ourselves safe.

During our Topic sessions, we looked at sources to find out about how slaves were treated.

As part of our learning about Suffragettes in English, we took part in a hot seating activity to generate quotes to be used in a newspaper article.

As part of World Book Day, we dressed up as our favourite adventure characters. Can you spot some of the characters?

As part of our WOW Day, we learnt about famous people, who had overcome racism and barriers. We each took a square and created the image of the famous people we had learned about. We looked at images and decided whether the ideas depicted were based on the past or present day - it was shocking what was acceptable and the barriers still faced. Throughout the day we wrote different barriers people had to overcome. At the end of the day we tore up the barriers as a symbol of making life better for everyone.

Year 5 and 6 held an art gallery to show their creations. Year 6 created collages with information about how to save the planet. Don't they all look AMAZING?

Year 6 created collages in the style of Derek Gores based on the environment, ready for their 'Express' art gallery. They focused on Gore's techniques and portrayed messages about how damaged the earth is, as well as showing a healthy, 'Future World'.

In English, we have been planning our paragraphs for our mythical creature non-chronological report. We worked really hard to include our grammar targets and checked to make sure our sentences had the correct punctuation.

As part of Mental Health Week, we enjoyed getting out of the classroom to complete the 15 minute mile. Some of us ran, some of us walked, but all of us enjoyed the time away from the screens and out in the fresh air!

As part of Mental Health Week, we enjoyed going to the book sale to buy a new book to give us time away from our screens! Th choices available made it hard to choose a book.

As part of National Storytelling week, we heard the story of The Tortoise and the Baboon. We then wrote our own story, using different characters and a new problem! Our stories were great to tell!

Our book, The Song From Somewhere Else, inspired us to create our own creature. Here are some of our designs. We can't wait to produce our own non-chronological report to introduce you to our Mythical Creature.

Year 6 have been learning about Vegan options and ways we can substitute animal products with more economically friendly ones. We enjoyed using the iPads to discover why Vegan food impacts less on the environment and enjoyed the chance to design our own Vegan meal.

After researching our energy source, we presented our findings to the class to share what we had found out. Everyone did a wonderful job of communicating their groups learning in a clear manner.

In our book, The Song from Somewhere Else, the main protagonist faces a dilemma. We had to decide if Frank should go down into the cellar or not. Ennis 6 found lots of excellent reasons about why she should break her friend's trust and enter the cellar; they found multiple superb reasons about why she should not go into her friend's cellar. We couldn't wait to find out what Frank actually did!

During our Topic lessons, we researched a type of sustainable energy with our group. We had to prepare a poster to present to the class. We found out how the energy worked and the advantages and disadvantages of each energy type.

In PE, we took part in a River Crossing competition. We had a limited amount of resources to use as stepping stones and had to work as a team to cross the river. If a member of the team fell into the river, the whole team had to go back to the river bank to start again!

In Topic we have been learning about sustainable and non-sustainable energy sources. We found out which countries were better at using renewable energy sources and those which created lots of fossil fuels, We then found these countries on the map.

During PE sessions, we practiced balancing using two-handed or one-handed grips. This would then help us when we came to take part in River Crossing, which relied on us keeping our balance.

We started learning about the circulatory system. We began by drawing a human body, adding the heart, lungs and kidneys then joining them together to show the circulatory system. We found that all of the veins and arteries joined together to create a closed circuit. We discussed that both oxygenated and deoxygenated blood are both red in colour.

As part of our Topic we thought about the effects non-renewable energy had on the world and whether relying on other countries to provide our fuel was a positive or negative idea.

During PE, we used team work to cross a river using a limited amount of equipment.

We started our new Topic about Our Future World. We looked at how we could turn rubbish and recycling into art work, discussed different materials we could use and then collaged an eco picture to give a message on being more eco-friendly.

As part of our Under Pressure topic, we discussed what the effect of Mount Vesuvius erupting now would be and debated about how the people of Pompeii in 97A.D. could have changed their reactions to escape the volcano's angry eruption.

As part of Anti-Bullying Week, we enjoyed wearing out odd socks to remind ourselves that everyone is different and we should celebrate this fact. We had lots of discussions about what we should do if we are the victim or a witness of bullying behaviours.

In English, we used dictionaries and thesauruses during our peer editing session to improve our newspaper articles about the expedition of Ernest Shackleton and his crew.

In computing, Farah 6 created concept maps to show all the different ways the internet is used. We then discussed the difference between the internet and the world wide web.

In Science, we have been learning about how animals are adapted to their environment. We chose an environment and then created an animal and plant that could live there, explaining how their adaptations could help them.

Year 6 enjoyed creating packaging for candy canes as part of their Real Life Maths Week. They created nets, worked out the area, calculated cost of their materials and considered how environmentally friendly their packaging could be.

We have been playing the game of Scorpion Handball, developing tactics to try and score points.

In English, we have been learning about Shackleton's expedition to Antarctica and writing our findings as a newspaper article. We have been discussing the purpose of a newspaper and talked about how it is important for a newspaper to be truthful and concise about events that have happened

In science, year 6 learnt how animals and plants have adapted in order to survive in certain environments. They labelled the characteristics of adaptations of animals and plants such as camels and penguins.

We completed some Geography work, using our knowledge of the countries and continents to map out the tectonic plates and related Earthquakes and Volcanoes! It was a challenge, but we found it interesting that most volcanoes and earthquakes are very close to the tectonic plate boundaries!

As part of our topic, Under Pressure!, we made delicious melt in the middle mug cakes (either vanilla or chocolate flavoured with the option to add milk or white chocolate for a molten middle effect). The cakes were delicious and we really enjoyed measuring the ingredients and safely using a microwave!

Year 6, this week, have enjoyed their time learning to be safe on their bicycles as part of Bikeability. We began by testing our skills on the playground (checking we could emergency stop, keep our balance and signal left and right). Once we had passed our initial checks, we then went onto the roads where we learned about positioning ourselves safely, when we had priority and how to enter and exit side roads at a t-junction. We all feel confident now in riding on the road and are enthusiastic to develop our skills more.

Year 6 enjoyed making Egyptian temples based on a design criteria. They worked hard to include flagpoles, an avenue of sphinxes, a pair of obelisks, pylons and Kings.

Year 6 have been learning to play the game Endball. The children have enjoyed working as a team, developing their tactics and being successful.

In Science, we made our own periscopes to investigate how we can see round corners. We talked about how light reflected as it travels in straight lines.

As part of our learning in Maths, we have been developing our division skills - some children chose to use counters to support their learning, whilst others chose the abstract method of recording their calculations.

As part of our assembly discussions, we have been discussing how to deal with bullying and steps we can take if we witness or are involved in bullying.

As part of our RE lessons, we have been learning about the Muslim pilgrimage of Hajj. The children learnt all about the different activities a Muslim would experience on their Hajj.

As part of our Science topic, we used torches and wool to show how light travels.

As part of our Topic sessions, we put the events of the discovery of King Tut's tomb in order. Here are some photographs of our timeline!

In Computing lessons we have been practicing our coding. We have been following steps to create a working code and use variables.

In PE, we have been learning the game throw tennis, developing our skills to catch a ball with accuracy and play a game tactically.

Charlie made a fabulous pyramid at home as part of his home learning! Doesn't it look fantastic?

We have been investigating light in Science. This week we discovered how shadows are made and how to make them larger or smaller by changing the distance from the light source.

In guided reading, we used the text carefully, underlining important information, in order to answer retrieval, inference and vocabulary questions.

Year 6 solved questions involving negative numbers, drawing number lines to count backwards and forwards across zero.

WOW Day! As part of our WOW day year 6 dressed up as Ancient Egyptians, took on the role of Howard Carter to discover King Tut's tomb and learnt about all the head dresses that the Egyptian Kings and Gods would wear. We designed our own head dress then painted it. We also used clues to create a map of Egypt.

Summer 1 Home Learning Activities

Spring 2 Home Learning Activities

Spring 1 Home Learning Activities

Autumn 2 Home Learning Activities

Autumn 1 Home Learning Activities
