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Valley Primary School

‘Growing and learning together to be the best we can be’

Year 2


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Year 2 Maths Arithmetic Workshop


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KS1 Phonics workshop - January 2022


Life Skills Activities 

Half Termly Life Skills challenges as part of our drive to develop good future citizens: 

Weekly Brain Boosters and Curious Challenges as part of our Feel Good Friday initiative: 


Home Learning Activities 

World Book Day Adventure Story Competition 


Isolation Tasks


Sharing Our Learning...Year 2 Photo Gallery

Valley's Champion Cheerleaders

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We really enjoyed coming into school dressed as someone who is inspirational to us. We also loved being able to show our parents our learning and hard work during our Fabulous Females topic. As this was our British Values topic focused on democracy, we wanted to get our parents to vote for who they believed to be the most inspirational female. After a lot of convincing on our parts, the parents voted Ellie Simmonds to be the most inspirational female!

During our learning about Coco Chanel as one of our fabulous females, we have learnt how to do a running stitch to create our very own purses. We then had to do more sewing in order to attach a button to our purse as a fastener. We then added decoration to make our purses more aesthetically pleasing to make them more appealing for someone to purchase.

We are enjoying watching our cress seeds grow! We planted seeds in four different conditions and are observing their growth over 5 weeks. Can you guess which seeds have been watered and left in direct sunlight?

In D & T we have been learning about Coco Chanel and how she changed women's fashion to ensure women could be comfortable in what they wore. We were then challenged to design our own Purses that Coco Chanel might have designed. So far, we have created our templates and we are looking forward to sewing them together and adding our decorations to create our product.

Peace and Love Day. For Promoting Peace and Love Day, we dressed in blue and yellow to show out support for Ukraine. We also discussed the importance of peace and came up with some ways that we can promote peace in our community. Some children also came to school wearing red to show support for Red Nose Day. The money we raised for wearing non-uniform will go towards a charity set up to help children from Ukraine and children less fortunate around the world for Comic Relief.

Science Day. During Science Day, we learnt about food miles and how to make more sustainable food choices before designing a planet-friendly burger. We also learnt about animal life cycles, ordering some examples and creating one for an animal of our choice. Finally, we learnt about Gentoo penguins and made nests outside using twigs, leaves and other natural resources before testing their strength in windy and rainy conditions.

As part of our Fabulous Females WOW Day, the children travelled back in time to meet Florence Nightingale, Mary Seacole and Rosa Parks. They learnt all about what these women did to inspire change during their lifetime. The children all then had to vote for who they believed was the female who had been the inspirational and had had the most impact on life today. This linked to our British Value of democracy.

As part of National Storytelling Week, the children in Year 2 enjoyed listening to stories set in India. They found out about Indian culture and then wrote a story of their own incorporating their learning about India. They also enjoyed dressing up in the colours of the Indian flag.

In science, we have been learning about the eat well plate and how to have a healthy, balanced diet. We worked together to group a range of foods into the 5 main food categories.

We have been learning all about money in our topic lessons, so we designed and created our own money boxes. We used our measuring skills to cut paper accurately to cover our boxes and then had to cut out a slit so that we could put our coins in and then design a stopper so that we could get our coins back out.

PE – In gymnastics, we have been learning how to perform a forward roll with control and finish in a seated pike position. We are looking forward to adding more moves in order to perform a sequence.

The Year 2 children thoroughly enjoyed launching Times Table Rockstars this week. They chose their rock name and created their rockstar avatar. They then got to work on answering lots of times table questions in order to earn coins. The children are looking forward to accessing TTRS at home now to improve their times table knowledge and to spend their coins to make their avatars even more rock!

We launched our new topic: Money, Money, Money on WOW Day by researching Picasso and his artwork. Then, we used cardboard and paints to recreate a Picasso-style portrait including the features of Cubism.

We used our Design Technology skills to make Christmas cards using a pivot leaver. We had to cut very carefully and use a split pin to make our lever work. We wanted our Christmas cards to look like Santa and his sleigh were flying across the sky.

As part of our 12 days of Fitmas, we kept active and carried out some fun activities including Bobsleigh Team and Heads and Tails. We are thoroughly enjoying the activities we are completing and we are looking forward to completing all 12 activities.

As our ‘Spice up your Life’ topic has a Design Technology focus this half term, we designed, assembled and evaluated our own Dhol Drum! We have learned about the importance of Dhol Drums in Indian culture and enjoyed playing our drums along to some Bhangra music.

As part of 'Safety Week', we took part in the NSPCC 'Speak Out, Stay Safe' campaign. We learnt the phone number for childline and discussed who were adults we could talk to both in school and out of school. We also thought about our safe space we could go to if we needed some time out for any reason.

We have been looking at sea shanties this week in English and performed one to the class, including the actions a fisherman may do. We also created our own lines for a sea shanty.

For anti-bullying week, we wore odd socks to school to celebrate our differences. The year 2 friendship ambassadors arranged some anti-bullying and kindness activities for the KS1 children to complete on the playground during playtime which they thoroughly enjoyed!

We have been learning about the importance of Rangoli patterns to Indian culture as part of our 'Spice Up Your Life' topic. We used chalk to draw our own colourful Rangoli patterns on the playground. We tried to include elements of nature, repeated patterns and symmetry.

As part of our daily reading skills, we look at part of our book and search the text for answers to a range of questions with our partner. We underline the answers in the text for retrieval questions and look for clues for inference questions. We also enjoy learning about the meaning of words for vocabulary questions.

In dance we have been performing a range of movements and creating transitions to move from one position to another.

As part of our Real Life Maths week, we designed a brand new playground. We worked out the perimeter of our playground and then used a catalogue to shop for and spend £100 on equipment. We then had to present our ideas to our classmates to convince them that our design was the best.

Wow Day - Spice up your Life

As part of our Spice Up Your Life Wow Day we made a traditional Indian dip called raita and we tested our dips with different Indian snacks. We really enjoyed cutting up the cucumber and coriander and mixing in cumin and mint to add flavour to our dips. As part of the afternoon, we also learnt some Bhangra dance moves. 

Mental Health Day

During Mental Health Day, the children enjoyed taking part in some yoga and meditation exercises and also completing some mindful colouring. The children all explained that they were wearing yellow to show we are not alone and talking about our feelings is a good thing.

In maths, we have been developing our understanding of place value. We have been learning about the value of each digit in a 2-digit number and using equipment to make different numbers. We needed to think carefully about whether the digit was in the tens column or the ones to work out its value.

Year 2 Fire Fire WOW Day

Year 2 thoroughly enjoyed their introduction to the Great Fire of London unit. They looked at various pictures of the fire and compared life then to how we live today. They also wrote down questions that they hope to find out the answers to as they complete more topic lessons this half term. The children were all then given charcoal and crayons and asked to experiment with different techniques to create their own fire of London pictures. The children are very much looking forward to learning more about the fire.

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