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Valley Primary School

‘Growing and learning together to be the best we can be’

Story Telling Week 31st January 2022 - 4th February 2022

The week gave us the opportunity to focus on stories from a different culture in each year group. In EYFS, children explored stories relating to China and the Chinese New Year. In KS1 and KS2, the countries were chosen linked to the Commonwealth Games that we are beginning to look forward to. The children have learnt more about the culture of their focus country and have

looked at similarities and differences compared with our lives here. This has been a great opportunity for us to promote diversity and celebrate differences. The week finished with the children writing a story set in their focus country or based on a tale from that culture. These were wonderful to read and showed how much the children had learnt from the week. The children also very much enjoyed our PTFA non uniform event today where they dressed in the colours of the flag of their country.
