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Valley Primary School

‘Growing and learning together to be the best we can be’

GXXtra Maths Workshop

Some of Year 2's marvelous mathematicians attended the 'No Problem' problem solving and reasoning skills event at St Alphege Infant school this week. They had a really interesting morning investigating Magic squares, dominoes, word problems, ordering months of the year, looking at the Fibonacci pattern, discussing odd and even numbers, making smart guesses and discussing the meaning of infinity. Our pupils' behaviour and enthusiasm was excellent.


This is what they had to say after the event:


Poppy "I enjoyed finding all the different ways of making 37. Today has made me feel more confident to get on and have a go. I liked making a new friend and working things out together like Reciprocal Ruth. When I got there I felt a little nervous but then I soon felt more confident."


Jacob "I think it's helped me get quicker at maths. We can remember to use what we already know. I kept on trying to get the answers like Resilient Robbie. I felt confident to put my hand up to answer questions and to tell my partner if I thought I was right."


Bethany "I liked looking at the Fibonacci pattern. Having one of our teachers there was better as we weren't so nervous this time. I liked John and Dave and how they told us to try and have a smart guess."


Charlie "I saw someone there that I know. I liked working with my partner to solve problems"


Alana "I liked making a new friend. I enjoyed the 0s and Xs game and solving the magic square problems."


Rachel "I knew that I would be at the beginning of the months of the year line because my birthday is in January. I asked other children when their birthday is to help us all get in order."
